Sunday, May 18, 2008

Slow Days

I am officially out of school for the semester, and this will be the first summer semester I've taken off since beginning my quest for higher learning. What this means for you, is that I will be updating more frequently. Eventually. It's going to be a slow start, but I'll work up to a good speed. Scout's honor.

I mean, with The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight coming out, how can I not have anything to say. Plus, you can't forget Hancock, Get Smart, and any of the myriad of films debuting this season. Summer is a great time for the media.

By the way, I saw Iron Man. I might have mentioned that before. I'm working on a review of it. I don't it to be some half-hearted pile of words. I want it to reflect my experience. It'll be coming within the week.

One movie I forgot to mention my excitement over is the new Indiana Jones movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The Indiana Jones trilogy (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade) is the only collection of movies without a weak point. The Jurassic Park, Rambo, original Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop trilogies, along with others, all had at least one ungood movie. Maybe it wasn't a terrible movie, such as Die Hard with a Vengeance, but it obviously didn't live up to the other two. Indiana Jones is different though. Temple of Doom is hands down my least favorite, but it is still a great movie.

So, I'm curious as to what the next one will bring. Harrison Ford is now older than Sean Connery was when he played Indy's father in the Last Crusade. Will Ford's age effect the quality of the new film. Shia LaBeouf appears to be a main character, and while I think he is a good enough actor, will he fit in to the Jones universe well? Also, the Nazis, Jones's classic adversaries, will be replaced with Russians. So many things are different, I wonder if it'll feel like one of the other movies or not.

If it doesn't feel like one of the classic Indiana Jones movies, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I just hope it is good, in some sense of the word. I hope it's entertaining, thrilling, funny, action-packed, and most of all, nostalgic. Watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was a Christmas tradition in my family, and it was the most awesome tradition my family ever had. I grew up watching these movies, and if this one sucks for one reason or another, I will be very disappointed (re: Star Wars Episode I, II, and III).

But enough about things I am looking forward to. What have I been up to? Well, WiiWare debuted for the Wii on May 12, 2008. For those of you not in the know, WiiWare is a channel on the Wii menu where you can download original games made for the Wii. They are small sized games as to save you space on your Wii's hard drive, and they cost, on average, between $10- $15. I played one of the games, LostWinds. In this game, you play as two characters at once. With the Wii Remote, you are a wind spirit. You can blow gusts of wind and move objects and etc. With the nunchuk, you control a kid. You, as the player, have to use both characters to solve puzzles and bring peace back to the game's fictional world. The game cost $10 and was about four hours worth of game play. That works out to $2.50 per hour of game play, which I am okay with.

The game was good. The graphics were surprisingly nice. I wasn't expecting much, so maybe I was easy to impress, but I was put in a minor state of awe all the same. The game play
was smooth. Pushing the kid around with wind was fun, as were the other techniques you learned (I'd prefer not to spoil anything). As far as a puzzle/adventure game goes, this one was pretty good. However, I am looking forward to more of what WiiWare has to offer.

Also, I have been watching past seasons of House, MD. I'm currently in the middle of the second season. The show is good, but it's been on long enough for you to know if you like it or not. I like it, and it's neat to compare and contrast the current season with the past seasons. I'd say they are different shows. House really grows into his crankiness in the current (4th) season. This is a good thing because if House was a nice guy, I wouldn't care about him or the show. In the earlier seasons I like how big of an impact that soap opera House is addicted to has on him and the show. If there is one thing the same between the two seasons, it's that I still love Foreman. Best character in the show. He's smart, not afraid of House, and has a good set of morals/ethics.

Unfortunately, this is all I have for now. Expect to hear from me again soon about the Iron Man movie.